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Package org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor

Olingo Processors

See: Description

Package org.apache.olingo.server.api.processor Description

Olingo Processors

Processors are used to handle OData requests and send back the OData reponse. Before a specific processor is called the Olingo library will parse the URI and validate it. Afterwards the Processor which matches the return type is called. Example: If a primitive property is requested by the URI we will call the PrimitiveProcessor.readPrimitive method.

Processors can be registered at the ODataHttpHandler object. Per default the DefaultProcessor is registered to perform basic functionality like delivering the metadata and service documents, respectively, as well as rendering an OData error. In case an application would like to perform custom tasks for these cases a new ServiceDocumentProcessor can be registered in order to overwrite the default behavior.

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