Source: odata/metadata.js

 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
'use strict';

/** @module odata/metadata */

var utils    = require('./../utils.js');
var oDSxml    = require('./../xml.js');
var odataHandler    = require('./handler.js');

// imports 
var contains = utils.contains;
var normalizeURI = utils.normalizeURI;
var xmlAttributes = oDSxml.xmlAttributes;
var xmlChildElements = oDSxml.xmlChildElements;
var xmlFirstChildElement = oDSxml.xmlFirstChildElement;
var xmlInnerText = oDSxml.xmlInnerText;
var xmlLocalName = oDSxml.xmlLocalName;
var xmlNamespaceURI = oDSxml.xmlNamespaceURI;
var xmlNS = oDSxml.xmlNS;
var xmlnsNS = oDSxml.xmlnsNS;
var xmlParse = oDSxml.xmlParse;

var ado = oDSxml.http + "";      //
var adoDs = ado + "ns";                             //
var edmxNs = adoDs + "/edmx";                       //
var edmNs1 = adoDs + "/edm";                        //
var odataMetaXmlNs = adoDs + "/metadata";           //

var xmlMediaType = "application/xml";

/** Creates an object that describes an element in an schema.
 * @param {Array} attributes - List containing the names of the attributes allowed for this element.
 * @param {Array} elements - List containing the names of the child elements allowed for this element.
 * @param {Boolean} text - Flag indicating if the element's text value is of interest or not.
 * @param {String} ns - Namespace to which the element belongs to.
 * If a child element name ends with * then it is understood by the schema that that child element can appear 0 or more times.
 * @returns {Object} Object with attributes, elements, text, and ns fields.
function schemaElement(attributes, elements, text, ns) {

    return {
        attributes: attributes,
        elements: elements,
        text: text || false,
        ns: ns

// It's assumed that all elements may have Documentation children and Annotation elements.
// See for a CSDL reference.
var schema = {
    elements: {
        Action: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "IsBound", "EntitySetPath"],
        /*elements*/["ReturnType", "Parameter*", "Annotation*"]
        ActionImport: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Action", "EntitySet", "Annotation*"]
        Annotation: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Term", "Qualifier", "Binary", "Bool", "Date", "DateTimeOffset", "Decimal", "Duration", "EnumMember", "Float", "Guid", "Int", "String", "TimeOfDay", "AnnotationPath", "NavigationPropertyPath", "Path", "PropertyPath", "UrlRef"],
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*", "Annotation*"]
        AnnotationPath: schemaElement(
        Annotations: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Target", "Qualifier"],
        Apply: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["String*", "Path*", "LabeledElement*", "Annotation*"]
        And: schemaElement(
        Or: schemaElement(
        Not: schemaElement(
        Eq: schemaElement(
        Ne: schemaElement(
        Gt: schemaElement(
        Ge: schemaElement(
        Lt: schemaElement(
        Le: schemaElement(
        Binary: schemaElement(
        Bool: schemaElement(
        Cast: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Path*", "Annotation*"]
        Collection: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*"]
        ComplexType: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "BaseType", "Abstract", "OpenType"],
        /*elements*/["Property*", "NavigationProperty*", "Annotation*"]
        Date: schemaElement(
        DateTimeOffset: schemaElement(
        Decimal: schemaElement(
        Duration: schemaElement(
        EntityContainer: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Extends"],
        /*elements*/["EntitySet*", "Singleton*", "ActionImport*", "FunctionImport*", "Annotation*"]
        EntitySet: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "EntityType", "IncludeInServiceDocument"],
        /*elements*/["NavigationPropertyBinding*", "Annotation*"]
        EntityType: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "BaseType", "Abstract", "OpenType", "HasStream"],
        /*elements*/["Key*", "Property*", "NavigationProperty*", "Annotation*"]
        EnumMember: schemaElement(
        EnumType: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "UnderlyingType", "IsFlags"],
        Float: schemaElement(
        Function: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "IsBound", "IsComposable", "EntitySetPath"],
        /*elements*/["ReturnType", "Parameter*", "Annotation*"]
        FunctionImport: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Function", "EntitySet", "IncludeInServiceDocument", "Annotation*"]
        Guid: schemaElement(
        If: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Path*", "String*", "Annotation*"]
        Int: schemaElement(
        IsOf: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Type", "MaxLength", "Precision", "Scale", "Unicode", "SRID", "DefaultValue", "Annotation*"],
        Key: schemaElement(
        LabeledElement: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*", "Annotation*"]
        LabeledElementReference: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*"]
        Member: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Value"],
        NavigationProperty: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Type", "Nullable", "Partner", "ContainsTarget"],
        /*elements*/["ReferentialConstraint*", "OnDelete*", "Annotation*"]
        NavigationPropertyBinding: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Path", "Target"]
        NavigationPropertyPath: schemaElement(
        Null: schemaElement(
        OnDelete: schemaElement(
        Path: schemaElement(
        Parameter: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Type", "Nullable", "MaxLength", "Precision", "Scale", "SRID"],
        Property: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Type", "Nullable", "MaxLength", "Precision", "Scale", "Unicode", "SRID", "DefaultValue"],
        PropertyPath: schemaElement(
        PropertyRef: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Alias"]
        PropertyValue: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Property", "Path"],
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*", "Annotation*"]
        Record: schemaElement(
        /*Elements*/["PropertyValue*", "Property*", "Annotation*"]
        ReferentialConstraint: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Property", "ReferencedProperty", "Annotation*"]
        ReturnType: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Type", "Nullable", "MaxLength", "Precision", "Scale", "SRID"]
        String: schemaElement(
        Schema: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Namespace", "Alias"],
        /*elements*/["Action*", "Annotations*", "Annotation*", "ComplexType*", "EntityContainer", "EntityType*", "EnumType*", "Function*", "Term*", "TypeDefinition*", "Annotation*"]
        Singleton: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Type"],
        /*elements*/["NavigationPropertyBinding*", "Annotation*"]
        Term: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "Type", "BaseTerm", "DefaultValue ", "AppliesTo", "Nullable", "MaxLength", "Precision", "Scale", "SRID"],
        TimeOfDay: schemaElement(
        TypeDefinition: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Name", "UnderlyingType", "MaxLength", "Unicode", "Precision", "Scale", "SRID"],
        UrlRef: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Binary*", "Bool*", "Date*", "DateTimeOffset*", "Decimal*", "Duration*", "EnumMember*", "Float*", "Guid*", "Int*", "String*", "TimeOfDay*", "And*", "Or*", "Not*", "Eq*", "Ne*", "Gt*", "Ge*", "Lt*", "Le*", "AnnotationPath*", "Apply*", "Cast*", "Collection*", "If*", "IsOf*", "LabeledElement*", "LabeledElementReference*", "Null*", "NavigationPropertyPath*", "Path*", "PropertyPath*", "Record*", "UrlRef*", "Annotation*"]

        // See for an EDMX reference.
        Edmx: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["DataServices", "Reference*"],
        DataServices: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["m:MaxDataServiceVersion", "m:DataServiceVersion"],
        Reference: schemaElement(
        /*elements*/["Include*", "IncludeAnnotations*", "Annotation*"]
        Include: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["Namespace", "Alias"]
        IncludeAnnotations: schemaElement(
        /*attributes*/["TermNamespace", "Qualifier", "TargetNamespace"]

/** Converts a Pascal-case identifier into a camel-case identifier.
 * @param {String} text - Text to convert.
 * @returns {String} Converted text.
 * If the text starts with multiple uppercase characters, it is left as-is.
function scriptCase(text) {

    if (!text) {
        return text;

    if (text.length > 1) {
        var firstTwo = text.substr(0, 2);
        if (firstTwo === firstTwo.toUpperCase()) {
            return text;

        return text.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + text.substr(1);

    return text.charAt(0).toLowerCase();

/** Gets the schema node for the specified element.
 * @param {Object} parentSchema - Schema of the parent XML node of 'element'.
 * @param candidateName - XML element name to consider.
 * @returns {Object} The schema that describes the specified element; null if not found.
function getChildSchema(parentSchema, candidateName) {

    var elements = parentSchema.elements;
    if (!elements) {
        return null;

    var i, len;
    for (i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
        var elementName = elements[i];
        var multipleElements = false;
        if (elementName.charAt(elementName.length - 1) === "*") {
            multipleElements = true;
            elementName = elementName.substr(0, elementName.length - 1);

        if (candidateName === elementName) {
            var propertyName = scriptCase(elementName);
            return { isArray: multipleElements, propertyName: propertyName };

    return null;

/** Checks whether the specifies namespace URI is one of the known CSDL namespace URIs.
 * @param {String} nsURI - Namespace URI to check.
 * @returns {Boolean} true if nsURI is a known CSDL namespace; false otherwise.
function isEdmNamespace(nsURI) {

    return nsURI === edmNs1;

/** Parses a CSDL document.
 * @param element - DOM element to parse.
 * @returns {Object} An object describing the parsed element.
function parseConceptualModelElement(element) {

    var localName = xmlLocalName(element);
    var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(element);
    var elementSchema = schema.elements[localName];
    if (!elementSchema) {
        return null;

    if (elementSchema.ns) {
        if (nsURI !== elementSchema.ns) {
            return null;
    } else if (!isEdmNamespace(nsURI)) {
        return null;

    var item = {};
    var attributes = elementSchema.attributes || [];
    xmlAttributes(element, function (attribute) {

        var localName = xmlLocalName(attribute);
        var nsURI = xmlNamespaceURI(attribute);
        var value = attribute.value;

        // Don't do anything with xmlns attributes.
        if (nsURI === xmlnsNS) {

        // Currently, only m: for metadata is supported as a prefix in the internal schema table,
        // un-prefixed element names imply one a CSDL element.
        var schemaName = null;
        if (isEdmNamespace(nsURI) || nsURI === null) {
            schemaName = "";
        } else if (nsURI === odataMetaXmlNs) {
            schemaName = "m:";

        if (schemaName !== null) {
            schemaName += localName;

            if (contains(attributes, schemaName)) {
                item[scriptCase(localName)] = value;


    xmlChildElements(element, function (child) {
        var localName = xmlLocalName(child);
        var childSchema = getChildSchema(elementSchema, localName);
        if (childSchema) {
            if (childSchema.isArray) {
                var arr = item[childSchema.propertyName];
                if (!arr) {
                    arr = [];
                    item[childSchema.propertyName] = arr;
            } else {
                item[childSchema.propertyName] = parseConceptualModelElement(child);

    if (elementSchema.text) {
        item.text = xmlInnerText(element);

    return item;

/** Parses a metadata document.
 * @param handler - This handler.
 * @param {String} text - Metadata text.
 * @returns An object representation of the conceptual model.
function metadataParser(handler, text) {

    var doc = xmlParse(text);
    var root = xmlFirstChildElement(doc);
    return parseConceptualModelElement(root) || undefined;

exports.metadataHandler = odataHandler.handler(metadataParser, null, xmlMediaType, MAX_DATA_SERVICE_VERSION);

exports.schema = schema;
exports.scriptCase = scriptCase;
exports.getChildSchema = getChildSchema;
exports.parseConceptualModelElement = parseConceptualModelElement;
exports.metadataParser = metadataParser;